Sunday, September 26, 2010

Trying and waiting begins...

Since my surgery I have not had a "normal" cycle on my own. I've been on birth control, Estrogen and Progesterone since. My last cycle was a short one with NO ovulation. My Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) is concerned and monitoring my follicles closely. This cycle (hormone free) seemed more normal to me, so I'm hoping that my body is starting to react on it's own.

I have started to take my temperatures in the morning and using ovulation predictor tests to make sure I am ovulating. If I don't, my RE wants to put me on Clomid...a drug used to induce ovulation. Matt is finally getting used to me having to go to frequent doctor visits, beeping thermometer on the weekends, and using all of the new medical terminology.

I'm only a couple of weeks from the year anniversary of losing our baby girl. Never thought I would have issues and have to wait so long for the baby I've longed for for so long!!!