Monday, February 22, 2010

New Doctor!!!

Had a good appt with my new OB/Gyn. She went through my whole chart. We went over what the immediate plan would be. She put me on prescription strength Folic Acid (2 pills) and prescription prenatal vitamins. I will continue the Baby Aspirin.

She is taking a closer look at my uterus. I will go in on Wednesday for a ultrasound. Then in about a week or so, I will go in for a Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) , which is a fancy X-ray to look at my uterus.

Matt and I will also go for Genetic Counseling.

After all of that, she will see me again in 4 weeks to go over everything.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kitchen Remodel




Sunday, February 14, 2010

I had a dream about my beautiful baby girl

Friday night I had my first dream about my baby girl. She was not born alive, but I was holding her. She then opened her eyes and lifted her hand to my face. It was as if she was saying, "I'm ok Mommy." She was perfect, and had little Down Syndrome eyes, so I know it was my little angel. I woke up right after that.

She is in Heaven with Jesus now and that is all she'll ever know. She will not feel pain, ever be unhappy, or ever know struggles. She will be forever happy and safe in God's arms...until we get to meet her and hold her in our own arms.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I had to move my new doctor's appt. My new date is Feb. 22nd. I will update then.

I was talking to the new chief of the Texas Children's Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida clinic. She could not believe that my old doctor did not put me on a prescription Folic Acid. She told me I should be taking 3 times what is in an OTC prenatal vitamin because she did not want to see me in the clinic as a mother of one of her patients. So, until I go to my new doctor, I have to take 8 pills of OTC Folic Acid.

This week is the my first full week of "normal" hours. I love it so far!!! It is so nice to be around kids who you can talk to you, smile at you, and are not in pain or really, really sick.

We are in the process of redoing our kitchen. Out with the linoleum floor, formica counter tops, and ugly honey colored cabinets. I will post pictures when we are done.