Wednesday, August 11, 2010

FINALLY got some GOOD news!!!!

I had my hysteroscopy this morning. When I woke up Dr. Heard gave me the best news!!! He said, that where the fibroid was and he thought was irregular, was actually smooth with NO scar tissue. He did find that there was part of the septum still left over, so he removed it then.

I hope to only hear good news from here on out!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Another test, Another day...Still waiting

Well I had another HSG (xray with dye) on July 29th. Dr. Heard said, "your have an irregularity in your uterus. It is not healing like I had hoped." Where the fibroid was is not smooth like the other side. So, he put me on Estrogen for 2 weeks then he will do a Hysteroscopy this Wednesday to look at my uterus from the inside. He also mentioned "smoothing it out." So, this means I will have to wait even longer to try again. This wasn't what I wanted to hear....I was expecting, "you are healing great, you can start trying again!!!" So, it looks like we can't even try again until at least October, which is when we lost our little girl.

But on the brighter side. I'm an aunt!!! Ruby Jane LaBorde was born on July 21st and she already loves her aunt!!! Here we are!!!